"Here's To Life" - 2009

What is there to say! The best thing that could ever happen to any songwriter happened to me. My song “Here’s To Life” was the first song on the new Barbra Streisand CD “Love Is The Answer.” Ten days later the CD is #1 in the United States. A few weeks later it’s #1 in the UK. I can tell you that for a songwriter it just doesn’t get any better. We all know that she’s the biggest star in the world. However as the composer of the song when I hear her sing it I feel that she called me up, came over to my house and sang it for me in person. She just trims the fat and gets right to the meat of the song both musically and lyrically.

I’ve said it many times. I’m so very grateful for the opportunities that I’ve had, and I look forward to what still lies ahead. My Brill Building training has taught me that it all starts with a song. Barbra’s recording just makes me want to keep writing music forever.